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a smartphone, open to instagram page of JAK Audio Visual which shows a team picture

About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Founded in 2005 by John Sutton and Kyle Hoppitt, JAK Audio Visual is an award winning Promethean provider and leader in education technology.

The Team

The dawn of education technology has allowed students to learn through direct instruction, video streaming, podcasting, project-based learning, adaptive algorithm-based software and more.


We strongly believe that we have the capability to provide a more immersive and effective learning environment. We are passionate about engaging and empowering learning through new technology.

Meet The Team

John Sutton | JAK Audio Visual Co-Founder


Kyle Hoppitt | JAK Audio Visual Co-Founder



Emily Eades | JAK Audio Visual Project Manager

Emily Eades

Project Manager

Emily Eades | JAK Audio Visual Project Manager

Office Manager

Antara Rao | JAK Audio Visual Marketing Coordinator

Marketing Coordinator

Jayden Bestenbreur | JAK Audio Visual Technician

Jayden Bestenbreur 

The Team

We've worked with Promethean since 

JAK Audio Visual 
was founded in

Our Clients

We've worked with numerous clients to help them realise their AV goals, here's a few of them: 

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